The Rose Priestess Lineage is of ancient origin and can be traced all the way to the Stars
Birthed from the Great Mother Sophia and embodied through Venus and Sirius to the initial star seeding of Mother Earth, the Rose Lineage spirals from the ancient civilizations of Lumeria and Atlantis and through various timelines and sacred vortices of the Middle East, Egypt, Europe and to the Holy Isle of Avalon, through to the present day.
Guided by the frequencies of Venus and Sirius, these codes of Wisdom and Love have been dancing and coalescing through the ages, with every intention to come alive and take up residency within you in this Age of Great Shift. These seeds of Light are seeking you, just as you are seeking them.
The Sophianic Mysteries of the Celestial Rose are awakening now in our innermost sanctums, re-activating the Divine Blueprint of Humanity all across the world. They are the Magdalene Flames from within that are opening the Gates of Re-membrance as we collectively birth a New Timeline and Golden Age of Love, Divine Sovereignty and Peace for all.
the rose Priestess lineage is all around you
As Venus orbits the Earth, her rotation culminating in an 8 year cycle, creating the image of a 5 petaled rose. Her cycle anchors in the Earthly experience of the Rose as she buds, blossoms, and dies, only to spread her seeds and be reborn again. As Venus weaves through the astrological signs, we are guided by her varied frequencies of love and wisdom.
In Ancient Lemuria, the Sisterhood of Rose was first created. The Magdalene soul was the High Priestess in the Temple of Phira. This Temple was dedicated to the Lion-Goddess of Sirius and essence of the Divine Feminine. Phira means “Living Flames”.
In Ancient Atlantis, the Sisterhood of the Rose continued as 12 Priestess groups of 12 women to continue activating the Flames of Love for all Humanity. When this civilization was under demise, the Rose Priestesses dispersed into key locations throughout the Global to continue this sacred mission.
The Tree of Life is one of the most sacred symbols throughout the world. Rooted in Kabbalistic Mysticism, the Tree of Life shows us the journey we go through in our lives. Within the Tree, the Egyptian and Grail Mysteries come alive, bringing forth ancient technologies that share the one common root of the Rose.
Ancient Egyptian Wisdom and the Ankh Key of Life descend from the high vibrational Planet of Sirius. As a Celestial Goddess herself, who’s wisdom is embodied through the Neteru (Egyptian Gods & Goddesses), she showers her unconditional love upon humanity in the creation and re-activation of advanced technologies of sacred geometry and sophisticated codes of sound and light.
The Grail Mysteries, seeded as Consciousness landed on Gaia from the Cosmos, were passed along the great telluric grid lines, dragon lines and song lines of the Earth with harmonic coding that is singing in celestial celebration now. The Grail, as Cup, Chalice or the Wombspace of Mary Magdalene, carries the Royal Blood Line of the Christ the Ages.
In Avalonian Tradition, The Chalice Rose is the Embodied Love of the Sacred Mother infused in the living mythos of the Dragon Queens, the Goddess and Her Priestesses, who’s Serpentine Energy Spirals in devotion to the Cycles of All creation.