What your sisters are saying about
Priestesses of the Rose
Michelle Bersell
The Priestesses of the Rose Spiral changes every aspect of your life. The biggest notable changes have been deepening my sense of self trust, especially regarding my spiritual truth. As that part of me has deepened, it has created even greater self-trust and confidence, even though prior to the spiral I felt confident. The Spiral has touched me on every level to align myself more fully to Divine Truth and Love! If you’re considering joining the Spiral, do it! Take the leap and follow your heart! Doing so here will give you even greater courage, insight, and strength to do so in any other area of your life that has meaning for you. Then get ready for your already huge heart to expand with even greater love, wisdom, compassion, humility, and power.
April Rameé
Priestesses of the Rose has reconnected me to the part of myself that is here for the ceremony. A part of myself was shut down due to trauma, yet reopened. Priestesses of the Rose is an integral part of the reclamation of my sovereignty. Reminding me how to walk the path of feminine power in a good way. Reinforcing my abilities as a leader rather than a woman with power who thought only of what she desired. I love everything present in the Temples. It was so much more than I was ever expecting. If you’re considering joining, do it! No other program full of authenticity supports the path of becoming a Priestess. There is more to the curriculum than one could ever imagine and I want to be a lifetime student to the priestess path now that I have taken another step on the path.
Patricia Romero-Abreu
Tai Wren
I've found that through this Year and a Day Spiral I have learned the importance of ritual and how creating ritual within my life is what makes it truly sacred. My relationship to my own inner divinity has never felt stronger or brighter. My marriage has been deeply enriched because my husband has seen a powerful spark re-ignite within me. These teachings will stay with me forever and I feel like I have all the tools to continue to implement them in my life and truly walk the pathway of the Priestess – both divinely connected to the Celestial events and deeply rooted in the sacredness of the Earth and living in harmony with her. This has been one of the most enriching and life changing experiences I have had! I would do this every year over and over again if I could!
This has been such an incredible and powerful year with Achintya and Ameya. The wealth of knowledge that you both hold and the sacredness with which you both transmit that knowledge is so powerful to witness, be a part of and sit at the feet of. I can not thank you both enough for being such AUTHENTIC, TRUE, POWERFUL TEACHERS. I feel like these days it is easy for people to make a training look "good" and appealing on social media but then when it comes to the actual delivery and content of the work, it's lacking. However, I feel like you both delivered above and beyond what I could have dreamed and I feel truly and forever grateful to call you both my teachers. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Melissa Chapman
Priestesses of the Rose has given me a structure to relax into when everything around me seemed like it was tumbling down. It has helped me ground into the deeper meaning of life that I have been searching for since I can remember. Specifically in connection to Mother Mary and the Tree of Life, I feel like I now have a map to work with on my quest towards growth and evolution as a human being with love and compassion being my guide and teacher. If you are feeling called to it, I highly recommend it. It may not be easy, yet all the ways it has asked of me to grow and expand have deeply benefited and upgraded my human experience. I am very, very glad I decided to make such a big commitment.
Erica Flannes
The Priestesses of the Rose Spiral is a deep inquiry of self-discovery, remembering and beautiful expansion. I felt deep in my soul that it was a road I was meant to travel, and I know others will feel that calling and pull as well. It was such an enriching and enlightening experience, and it echoes through my life after just one completion. Through this experience, I feel like Ameya and Achintya opened a doorway of opportunity. I intend to continue spiraling and exploring, deepening my practice and relationship to the guides and to myself. It’s wonderful to have begun this process with them as this-world guides, and to have the supportive, inquiring, insightful community of sisters traveling with you. My life is forever changed, forever improved.
Krystle Rose
This path has changed my life in all ways. I am awakened from within and I have never known such devotion. I am making decisions in my life from an entirely new perspective of myself and my purpose. This path has really opened me up to how I want the rest of my life to be. My tears are infinite for the gratitude I have in receiving these teachings. I will be forever changed. This Spiral was the best decision of my life. It is truly life altering and an invaluable investment. I have the deepest gratitude for this curriculum, this work is everything and beyond and really there are not words for its potency, beauty and magic. I feel like I was lost, searching for answers, and now I am found, on this Rose Path. I feel truly so blessed that this is now my life and forever path.
Yoditt Wondowsen Getachew
Priestesses of the Rose has changed my life for the better by providing a strong anchor into my Spiritual Path. For a period of time I felt like I was floating, aimlessly wandering with no direction and this Priestess-hood allowed me to anchor beautifully into my Spiritual/Ascension Path while opening doors and providing connections. As a Lightworker who is rediscovering herself, the Spiral allowed me to deepen my relationship to self by helping me discover who I really am. If you’re considering joining us for the next Spiral, you will be deeply held and guided throughout the process. This is a safe space to express your truth and authenticity, and to walk this path is to walk with purpose as you are to never be alone or left behind.
Casey Serra
Through the supreme, loving guidance of our magickal guides, Ameya and Achintya, Priestesses of the Rose has reminded me of my power. I’ve awakened parts of my intuition that have lit up latent codes of lifetimes of training and refining of my energy/spirit bodies. This lineage has lifted veils, revealing an even deeper sense of my role as a Rose Priestess and the importance of the resurgence of the Divine Feminine in union with the Divine Masculine. This Spiral is just the beginning to a whole new world of possibilities opening. The loving embrace of this lineage is one of a kind and seeped with ancient tradition, ritual and sacredness. The mysteries of the feminine are brimming with the glowing nectar of life and that the nourishment of sisterhood and empowerment is magickal.
Maria Gomez
Daniela Demarchi
Ameya and Achintya hold this container with so much love, safety, and grace that I have never experienced before. What it takes to create such wisdom and to hold the container in the way they do is rare and hard to find. Priestess of the Rose is truly a path to be experienced, and honor to be a part of. I have learned on so many levels what real leadership is and what it takes to walk in that vibration, and that’s just one of profound things out of many gifts that came out of this Spiral. I have gone through massive healing in my relationships and have had the ability to cleanse out so much dynamics with love and grace that no longer serve me. If you truly want to open up a sacred soul Path of the Rose and to be led and held with the most integrity, don’t hesitate to embrace this life-changing path.
Lauren Kaye Sarfas
I feel lighter, more well rounded and whole. I also feel open to all possibilities and have loosened my grip on how I think things should be, I feel a deeper trust in Mother, knowing I am being guided. I have often doubted my path and whether or not I am ‘ready’ to be a Priestess, I now feel that I am, and it feels so natural and nourishing. I feel in the Spiral there is a love and understanding that brings deep safety and holding. If you’re feeling the call in your heart and your Soul is whispering for you to join – take the leap into Priestesses of the Rose! Even if it doesn’t make sense or you’re not sure how it will work, you’re being called to this path for a reason. Your Soul remembers that you are a Priestess and Priestesses of the Rose could be your Homecoming.
Julia Leible
Having experienced Priestesses of the Rose, I am home. This is where I belong, where my heart and soul belong. I feel alive more than ever! Throughout the whole Spiral I felt most supported, nourished, and held by Ameya, Achintya and the entire council of Rose Sisters. With many challenges that arise, I learned that I was not alone. Being witnessed and having a space to share and be seen vulnerably and authentically was healing in itself. All the reflections, advice and feedback I received throughout the Spiral helped me to maintain a deeper communication with myself. This is a life changing experience in the best way I could have imagined. I got to know myself in a way I have not seen before. It’s a brave journey and I recommend it from the depth of my soul and heart!
Rachael Jean Cohen
Priestesses of the Rose has opened crevices in my heart that have been waiting for my tender love. It has provided me with a somatic pathway into my own holy temple within by reconnecting me to my own devotion and sense of safety in my embodiment. My intimacy with myself and commitment to my own spiritual longing has opened up doorways and brought more consciousness into my marriage and relating. The sisterhood and kindness of this container have been like a balm for my soul and I am forever grateful for the teachings that have been bestowed upon me that I will walk with for the rest of my life with great love. This is a truly life changing path and program and I am so grateful to myself for following my heart, it has been the most precious gift I could have ever given and received.
Keya Fox
I have more faith in the grander scheme of things beyond ‘my control’ and I feel a greater sense of trust and ease in life’s ups and down. I feel more clear on my work path and purpose. In my relationships I have felt deeper connections being made as my sense of trust has begun to repair and rebuild. Overall I feel more like my sovereign self, lighter in spirit from releasing so much that has held me back from making daring choices in my life before. I feel more free to be me. If you’re considering joining Priestesses of the Rose, do it! If you feel the slightest call to this, then there is a good reason for that. You may feel challenged by this or that in the process, but this is soul work, deep healing going on here. It’s not all easy, but the rewards for the work you put into this path/practice is priceless.
Irene Chong
The support and sacred container provided by this training has enabled me to step into more confidence of who I truly am, and empowered me to reclaim my path as a lineage holder of the Sacred Feminine. This trust and knowingness has been priceless. I feel much more grounded, centered, and connected to my Truth, I have experienced more closeness and intimacy in my sister friendships, and I feel much more inspired to serve in the offerings that I put out in my work. All the calls were very rich and packed with information. If you feel an inner nudging and a call to sign up, as inexplicable and challenging as it may seem, do it! There is so much in this container to support your growth and transformation.
Elizabeth DeVaughn ~ Nashville, TN
It's beyond words the way Priestess of the Rose has changed my life. I realize now that I have walked this path for many lifetimes and that my soul found it again during this very important lifetime. This path and this sisterhood is central to my very being; it's who I am at the most cellular and spirit level. This path has also greatly enhanced my work as a soul-led entrepreneur, as I've grown a lot more confident in knowing that I have needed medicine to give to the world. It's enhanced every part of my life, including relationships, as I'm more ME than I EVER have been. People who are meant to be in my field are growing closer to me, and people who are not aligned are quickly falling away. I've never known myself so deeply, and I can't imagine doing life another way. This path has also given me the courage to claim myself as a Witch and a Priestess.
If your heart is asking you to do it, even if it doesn't make ANY logical sense or if you can't explain WHY you need it, listen to your heart space! It's telling you truth. I had no idea why I needed to join, and it's been the biggest gift of my life. I've never known myself so deeply, and I've come into major self-acceptance of who I actually AM.
I really can't express enough how much this has changed my life. I'm so much more confident in my spiritual business, and Spirit has been very clear to me on what my mission is, and the Rose Priestess path is a HUGE part of this. I'm planning to do it next year, too!
Peta Panos, Isle of Wight, United Kingdom
Priestesses of the Rose under promises and over delivers in every way. In these uncertain times, this is a Sacred Sisterhood that becomes the wind beneath your wings. If you feel an inner calling, honour it. Take the leap of faith that your soul is guiding you to.
I had hoped for a professional, loving, honest, organized container and POTR more than exceeded all of my expectations!
Cindy Ma ~ USA
Being a part of Priestesses of the Rose, I feel more whole; carrying more light and wisdom. Honoring myself more, more joy and creativity, beauty and growth in my actual garden and home life.
If you are called to this coursework, you will know! Ameya and Achintya are both incredible loving guides with deep wisdom, and know how to create a space for you to blossom from and receive/remember your connection to this ancient lineage. Highly recommended, powerful and catalyzing.
I am profoundly grateful to be on this path and journey to anchor me, particularly in this time now.
Laura K ~ Romania
I entered Priestesses of the Rose with little to no expectations but more curiosity and thirst for knowledge. Seeing Achintya and Ameya radiating joy, love and passion for what they do and sharing their wisdom with generosity, compassion and respect, so I trusted that.
The most obvious benefit was the gift of sisterhood, and never having that before, it was both a gift and a challenge for me to show up at times and each time I did, being received with kindness and open arms. I've also learned to come to terms with the fact that not all transformation is a fixed, well-defined moment or point in time that turns one's life to 180 degrees but to sit, wait, listen, observe and trust the subtle shifts and currents of the depths and take one day at a time and find joy in that. I may (still) not have, at this very moment, a concrete answer to what my purpose is, how to serve and where I am needed/ meant to live in the world but I surely live and enjoy fully the present circumstances. Following celestial events as guidelines has helped in delighting in preparations and rejoicing in ritual and celebration.
What you put in is what you get out. The amount of dedication, devotion and consideration with which you approach this learning path, as if it's for the first time, is extremely rewarding.
Ri ~ the Netherlands
The Priestess of the Rose path is like arriving home. To be surrounded by sisters and walk this path with those who feel this deep call in their heart and soul, is healing and nurturing like nothing else. It's a living path and gained so many deep and profound insights and integrations during this year. The Priestess of the Rose path made me dive deep in myself to discover all parts of my inner world. Magical things happened in my life during this year and often I was too blown away to grasp it, haha. Achintya and Ameya are the most loving, purest, honest, wise guides and often when their were talking I cried out of love and feeling seen, heard, understood and deeply touched by their energy and the energy and love of all the sisters. It's a path of deep remembrance, healing and coming home.
Through Priestesses of the Rose, I am diving deeper in myself, facing my shadows and deep patterns. It is a living path that is integrated in my daily life & daily rituals. I am trusting myself more and feel more grounded. It’s so healing on all levels!
Emily Allen ~ Ireland
Being held in this Priestesses of the Rose container, from the very first opening ceremony, feels incredible. I feel safe, I feel cared for and I feel held. One of the biggest changes for me is feeling seen, really and truly seen and really appreciated and celebrated for who I truly am.
Tanya ~ usa
Priestesses of The Rose is a direct path home in so many ways. The Rosa Mystica council we journey with through the Wheel of The Year, provides a map to explore my inner worlds, the her-story of the divine feminine, magick, celestial events, mystical curriculum, lore, and so much more. This has become more than a program, it’s a life long journey, a path that’s assisting my work in harnessing my voice, Self, and creativity in the world.
I continue to gain greater clarity around my career, self-worth, shadows, blessings, and offerings. The Rose sisterhood we have has been beyond anything I can put into words! To witness my sisters’ journeys through this year has been nothing short of life changing because I see reflections of my own journey through them.
It’s a true homecoming to my essence, voice, embodiment of my medicine, and creative endeavors. Ameya and Achintya’s devotion to this Mentorship is inspiring and goes above and beyond what I expected. I couldn’t imagine my life without this sacred path, lineage, and sisterhood.
Farrah ~ Oregon, USA
Priestesses of the Rose has brought so much awareness to my inner landscape through the Rosa Mystica guides as their journey mirrors our own in a myriad of ways, massive and subtle. It’s helped me better understand our ancient lineage linking into our cosmic lineage as well as connecting some major spiritual/religious dots I didn’t fully realize until walking this path. The celestial and mystical curriculum has been my most favorite aspects providing deep personal inquiry and ritual guidance for my ongoing devotional practices. So much magick has come alive for me this year that I wouldn’t have connected to unless stepping into this circle. I’m carrying more awareness of self therefore I carry more peace, compassion, love and tolerance of others in the world around me. I’m able to feel more love for myself and more love for others through this journey of gnosis and remembrance. Though we all experience challenging and personal trauma that alter and change us, POTR has shown me how resurrection is possible and is absolutely critical for healing in our lives. Through the lens of resurrection, we’re able to emerge embodied, whole, individually enlightened, liberated and sovereign. Tears fill my eyes with such heartfelt gratitude because of this spiral. It’s a
been a profoundly beautiful experience personally and to stand witness to my beloved Rose Sisters across the planet as we share our heart’s so openly and weave our journeys together. This sacred container is well of blessings that I’ll be able to drink from for the rest of my life.
If you have any stirrings in your heart to take this journey, please trust that and do it. There is so much magick, activations, revelations, teachings, blessings and more that are waiting for you inside this incredible sacred circle. I’m forever blessed by this spiral and sister connections that will be with me for the rest of my life. It’s absolutely profound, transformative, challenging, beautiful, sacred and illuminating in every way. POTR is an enriching journey unique to every woman and I wish all those who identify as female could experience this spiral as it provides essential spiritual-based tools to know thyself as a sovereign woman in the modern world. I’ve been so honoured to be welcomed into the Rose lineage as a POTR and this journey awaits many more sisters as we rise together in global sisterhood. Ameya and Achintya are exceptional teachers, guides and mentoresses that show the way with their comprehensive curriculum and embodied divine feminine leadership. Their combined wisdom is exemplary and a blessing to anyone who feels the call to say “yes” to this journey.
Nina, France
Ishtar ~ usa
This experience has been such a deeply rewarding and nourishing journey for me. I have been guided through such sacred explorations of self and of my divine lineage! The potency of Remembrance is something that I could never capture through the limitation of language.
However, I will express that I am completely enamored with the depths and the heights of activation that this curriculum has offered me. It has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I am so grateful to have claimed myself as I truly am- the embodiment of heaven on earth. This is not because of anything external but because of what I experienced to be true through the sacred practices and rituals offered by Achintya, Ameya & the overarching Lineage of the Rose.
This pilgrimage is not for the light hearted- it is indeed for those of you who truly wish to remember so that they may offer our sacred Earth and all sentient beings repose. It empowers your personal earth walk but more than all things it reminds you of the wealth that you carry within you in service to our world and all future generations. We are so very needed and the Priestess of the Rose will indeed assist you in unlocking the keys stored hidden within your being.
I have been journeying alone for many years on my spiritual path and the sisterhood of the Rose offered me such needed sanctuary. This journey is not about following old doctrine or following any gurus outside of you, this journey is about understanding yourself as thY own holy path. Follow your inner flame and seek thy true remembrance.
Devon ~ usa
I wasn't exactly sure what I expected, however, this experience has quenched a thirst I didn't know I had. The support, the structure, the rituals, the calls, the activations and transmissions... holy moly! I appreciate the presence and attentiveness and the willingness to "go the extra mile" for this group of women. I truly appreciate learning the myths and historical components, as well as having embodied experiences of archetypal energies. I need both and this training has delivered both in exceptional ways.
I feel more ease and confidence in myself. I feel my voice, power, creativity strengthening. My sense of self-trust, my body awareness, my ability to be with myself, and more have all increased exponentially. I am feeling clearer in my work and feeling clearer and more confident in my abilities to actually have what I want because I am also feeling my sense of self-worth strengthen.
Tamara Sullivan ~ North Carolina, USA
Priestesses of the Rose has led me to greater depths of trust, acceptance and love of myself. I have learned to truly hold space for myself and listen to my body in ways I had not before. I have learned to be in my body and allow myself to be present where in the past I tended to abandon myself. As a result I set healthy boundaries which allow me to love more as I know I can trust myself. I definitely feel more connected to my environment, to Gaia, to our beautiful moon and to Venus. I am also more connected to the cosmic occurrences happening each day. I love all the astrology and tracking it along with what is happening in my personal world. Realizing my place in this lineage and a deep connection to Venus – I have Venus in my first house which I never gave a lot of thought to but I do now! – has been life changing as I feel more belonging. All of these things affect every aspect of my life from my relationship with my husband to my parenting to my work…everything. I truly believe this has changed the way I see all of life and I am so grateful for it.
I love you both. I am grateful for what you offer to the world and knowing you are in it and doing your amazing work gives me hope for the evolution of our planet. You set an amazing example of how to live from our hearts and I am so eternally grateful for you. I love this lineage. For years practicing yoga I did devotions to the various deities. Wonderful practices that felt so beautiful at the time. But finding Priestesses of the Rose was like finding my memory, my home, my connection to our universe, timelines, and all dimensions. I feel a sense of great belonging here.
Samantha Hillis ~ Virginia, usa
The call to go deeper within myself into the mysteries was my biggest draw to The Priestesses of the Rose path, as well as my desire to be a part of a community again that witnesses and supports each other. The goddess Iset is the one who initially asked of me to come into this sacred space, while the format of following the wheel of the year was the call from my bloodline and ancestors. On an even deeper level, I was drawn to this lineage to heal my sacral chakra and womb space, that place of receiving that has been needing potent healing for a long time.
Truly, this journey through the Rose Priestess Lineage has helped me to never stop growing and learning and listening and giving more and more to our community. I am very honored and grateful for this journey and how we are continually invited to go deeper and open our hearts wider.
I feel like this journey through the Rose lineage spiral has been exactly what I need to grow into my most authentic aligned self. If I am the seed, full of dreams and promise, this sisterhood is the soil that holds sacred space, the temple calls and practices are the divine waters bringing nourishment, and the sunlight is our guiding teachers that watch over us and share their holy transmissions of medicine to lift us up to our greatest selves, ready to share our own gifts with others.
Libby ~ Florida, usa
Priestesses of the Rose is absolutely the most amazing, life altering, powerful, transformative experience to reclaim & embody your truth, your power, your sovereignty, and experience a profound spiritual awakening.
Priestesses of the Rose has truly changed my life on so many levels. This was a true homecoming for me.
It has evolved my spiritual path and spiritual development.
I have a deeper trust in my intuition, guidance & visions. I have reclaimed my power, sovereignty and reclaimed so many lost parts of myself.
I have learned to follow and trust in my own gnosis.
I have experienced transformational healings.
I have a deeper understanding of Venus, Sirius, Pleiades, the sun & moon and my awareness of celestial codes, and reclaiming each chakra with each Venus moon conjunction.
I have a deeper connection with our rosa mystica guides and reclaimed my relationship with them.
I feel that I am more conscious in walking the way of love, and living more from my heart center/christ consciousness.
I no longer give any of my power away to any fear based religions, and I have learned to continue acquiring knowledge from sacred mystery school teachings, spiritual books, priestess path and from my own gnosis.
I have a better understanding of sacred marriage, merging of polarities, male & female energies.
I have a better relationship on many levels with my family and friends.
How to heal on many levels here and also on many dimensions & timelines.
My meditations and visions are more powerful.
I am able to channel better from higher dimensions, and through light language and dance.
I have a better connection with my maiden self, my queenly self, my inner king, the holy grail in my womb space.
I have more self love and confidence.
I have a stronger connection to the sacred feminine.
I have had transformative womb healing and rekindled the triple flames. The awakening of my womb space, my heart and mind. My power, truth and wisdom.
I have strengthened my relationship with Gaia.
I am more conscious and proactive in beaming and sending love & healing energies to the earth, ley lines and gridlines.
I have learned how to release, shedding many layers, give death to what no longer serves me (going to the underworld to retrieve lost parts of myself), and to regenerate, resurrect and ascend.
I have learned the power of Sisterhood and the layers of support and love that it brings.
I have a deeper knowing that I am indeed a bridge between heaven and earth.
I am getting a better understanding of my purpose and that I am here to do sacred service.
I feel that I am living my life at a much higher frequency, which has helped me shine brighter and bring more light & love to this planet.
I have now seen myself living more in the truth of who I am.
I have learned to rise up, resurrect, reclaim.
The guidance, support, curriculum, rituals, activations and transmissions offered by Achintya and Ameya are truly powerful and inspirational.
I would like to say THANK YOU! Truly, deeply and from the depths of my soul. This has been a true homecoming for me and I give thanks every day for being blessed with all that I have experienced with Priestesses of the Rose.
Natalie ~ Portland, OR
I was already searching for answers on how to follow a priestess path when I found Priestesses of the Rose.
I’m loving it! It’s so rich with information and the connection to the other sisters and our guides is incredible. It’s improved how I see myself and has made me a more confident healer, guide, friend, and lover
It’s a lot of work, but if you commit to it, it’s guaranteed to be transformational!
Kat Alta ~ usa
Simply two words Rose and Priestess and I was drawn to this year and a day spiral. There was yearning in me for connection, ritual, ceremony and anchoring in devotion. I was searching for something to speak to my heart, inspire and spark my passions. I was ready for next level communion with the Earth, sky, sun, moon and stars. And I truly yearned for sisterhood and to be part of the weaving of an ancient lineage of women spanning time, space, land, language, dreams.
Priestess of the Rose has changed my life in ways I can’t even begin to articulate now but I know the change is real and it's amazing and blessed. I have experienced so many openings of layers of who I am and what I am remembering to be truth. I am coming into more harmony, self-love, balance and sovereignty in my life. I am doing the deep work to unearth my most precious gifts and make choices that honor my truth, my body and what brings me joy. It is an honor and privilege to walk the path of Priestess of Queen of Wise Woman.
Priestess of the Rose is a magical, incredible experience. The rose is enchanting and pure love. The rose temple guides embrace you with love and teachings for your most high. It is an experience and training like none other to drop into deep reverence and devotion, deeply rooted, cosmically connected. This truly is a scared lineage of women and sisterhood. Saying Yes to Priestess of the Rose is so worth it! Achintya and Ameya are amazing, powerful, loving, sacred priestess sisters. The temple spaces they hold together are beautiful, inspiring, loving and completely from their own hearts and devotion.
Frances ~ Germany / usa
Since joining Priestesses of the Rose my voice has been opening on many levels. I have become an activist for myself and the worldly things I believe in. After 2.5 years, I am opening my heart to the divine masculine again, shedding and blossoming.
I stand more firmly in my profession as a psychologist and spiritualist. I am more creative than ever before. I have found my fellow priestesses, earth workers, and wolf pack. My connection to my lineage has strengthened. My body has shed; my closet as well. And so much more…
Jerrica Rose ~ usa
After a year and a day in the Rose Priestess Training, I can say with certainty an inner trust in self has landed in my body. I feel like I can be the calm in the eye of a storm. And trust that whatever is happening, is happening for a reason, and I can handle it.
Over the year I was able to examine parts of myself, that no longer served my highest well being. Through ceremony and ritual I was able to gracefully let them go. However I must say, the graceful part came after big energetic shifts that would come in waves. The cause was not always clear. But what I can only assume were the dismantling of old thought patterns and societal programming which were keeping me stuck in fear and freezing from moving forward. It is like when a tree falls down; but branches keep growing up, springing new life in different directions, always growing towards the light. Unconsciously and consciously knowing the way. But growing stronger non-the-less.
Over the year I felt held by Ameya and Achintya as guides and facilitators, by the sisters in this group, and by our Rosa Mystica Guides. Surprised and delighted by unexpected connections. I am excited to see what unfolds next for myself and the sisters in this group.
Michal ~ israel
Jackie ~ Canada
Brittney ~ usa & Costa rica
Jana ~ usa
The reason why I felt drawn to this program is I wanted the connection through sisterhood. It was something I was missing and I have truly found that through Priestess of the Rose. Ameya and Achintya have created a safe container that you can talk about anything.
Each temple that Ameya and Achintya has is a channel through each guide. The guides are truly there and present. Each Goddess transmission is so deep and profound. The celestial events transmission throughout the year are aligned.
I whole heartedly recommend this program; it is a profound journey of “Remembering & Knowing Thyself.” The connection will last forever and continue memories of your sisters.
We are in this together.
Krista ~ finland
Priestess of the Rose has been and is a deep initiation to womxnhood and my Priestess Path. I used to have this home sickness for my star home quite often and I felt lost or isolated. I haven’t experienced that longing on a soul level that I used to because of the community and sisterhood I now have with Priestesses of the Rose and the practices we’ve done and the teachings we’ve studied during this year.
Now that feeling of longing has decreased to almost zero and my focus has shifted from reaching higher to rooting down and learning how to be a human and what it means to walk this Path of a Rose Priestess here on Earth. Our time together has opened me to a knowing and deeper understanding of who I am. I’m learning how to ground and embody all that. I still experience occasional longing to “go back home” yet I now understand this happens when I’m not participating in this life here. I now have the tools and perspective of being able to work with this and even transform it to Empowerment. The sisterhood we have in our group is so so essential in this - for the support and also for just knowing that there are other womxn that experience life similarly.
April ~ Canada
It is difficult to convey with words the depths and expansions and their integration I have experienced within the sacred temple that is Priestess of the Rose. My gratitude is immense for this Path, for Ameya and Achintya’s Heart Offering to us all, to all our Guides, and my Sisters.
It has been very humbling. When you intend for the Highest Good of All, you may experience Loss, Grief, Heart Rendering openings within Self. And you embrace your Truth and Sovereignty. And Know LOVE. Chose it. Walk it. You remember how to listen inward. Feel inward. Remember your purpose on this Earth! Lighthouse! Sacred Node. Human and Divine. The integration of it all.
My lessons have been those of Compassion, forgiveness, Healing of familial Trauma, and finally accessing shadow work within a loving vessel that allowed me to see the ways of being I could let fall away, let die, so Now in Spring near my Birthday I revive and rebirth into Service as Priestess.
I am SO honored to be here, Now, on this ancient and future path, in all timelines and dimensions. I know we have all walked together for lifetimes. If you feel the call deep within-Answer it. Be brave and Trust in your knowing. Take the leap of Faith!
Marie ~ sweden
Saying YES to this Priestess path has changed my life, mostly my inner sanctuary for now but I know that is where the change has to start. Priestesses of the Rose has been the perfect training with everything I was looking for.
My life is transforming on a deep level and I didn’t really realize how powerful it would be to say YES to the Priestess path. From day one it has been deep insights and remembrances of who I truly am and where I come from and so much death, so much cleansing and clearing.
I’m very selective when it comes to choosing teachers and guides on my path and Achintya and Ameya are amazing teachers and truly embody the divine feminine leadership qualities I’m looking for. They are a true inspiration and can truly recommend this year and a day training from my heart.
Gretchen ~ usa
It is hard to put into words the depth of understanding, activation and inner healing that comes through in this program. The Priestesses of the Rose was a homecoming of sorts for me. I found a welcoming global network of women, compassionate and highly-skilled mentors, a ritualized way of living in balance with the energies of the season and the rhythm of my own journey and an ability to access deeper layers of my intuition and gifts as a Priestess in my everyday life.
Through cultivating intimate relationships with each Rosa Mystica Guide, I have uncovered shadows, healed lifelong wounds I carried and laid to rest roles I no longer need to play.
I have amplified my courage, connection and purpose. I have remembered and embraced parts of myself that are necessary for me to move forward on my path of sovereign leadership. I have gained confidence in the ability to be visible and to trust divine timing. This program has honestly impacted every single area of my life. I feel the shifts of alignment and gnosis in my heart, my family, my work and within the greater world.
Amanda Ananda ~ usa
I have been on the Priestess Path for a few years and desired a deep dive with like minded sisters. I had engaged with a few of Achintya's offerings in early 2018 and knew I wanted to go deeper with her!
I feel I have gotten to know my victim and her habits more intimately. I have stopped blaming everyone (including Goddess) and am able to choose to resonate more with my powerful creative aspects.
I felt I had come so far on my journey but was really stuck this past year. Since the Gold Rose Temple everything has shifted and I continue to unfurl and blossom easefully. I am very clear about who I am as a Priestess and my path feels very open and supported at the moment. I feel grateful and fearless. To be walking confidently and radiantly is priceless! Thank you!
Kay Turner ~ North Yorkshire, England
Through being a part of Priestesses of the Rose, I have learned about the Divine Feminine, Healed Sisterhood wounding, understood myself and healed the feminine within me.
All aspects of myself have changed: Relationship with self - noticing the toxic busyness - noticing the denial of body - rejection of it by self. Starting to heal this by accepting my body now - seeing the wounded maiden and listening to her. Transforming the relationship with my husband. More intimacy, vulnerability and being seen. So grateful as his masculine heals as my masculine steps back. In my work, starting to question soul path - dropping labels of self - and a big chapter unfolding at the moment.
You are meeting all my expectations profoundly and deeply - thank you Achintya & Ameya
Ashley Leavey ~ USA
The Priestess of the Rose program material has gone above my expectations.
I feel more rooted in my authentic priestess self. I feel more able to trust my intuition, my inner guidance, and my connection to spirit.
If you're having doubts or fears about joining, take some time to be present and breathe into your truth. I wasn't sure if this would be the right path for me because my mind was so full of anxiety about things in my life...but I felt the call and answered. I am SO glad I did!
Melinda peto ~ usa
A year and a day Priestess of the Rose journey is magnificently guided by Achintya Devi and Ameya Cohen. Both women have a deep-well of divine feminine energy that rises as a gentle spring from Mother Earth. Each month the brilliant community of women participating in the offering received treasured wisdom from the Rose Council of Divine Mothers. From Inanna I received an offering of Grace; from Mary Magdalene, sexual reclamation; from Isis, the Golden Truth; from Yeshua, the Way of Love; from Hathor, the sound frequency of my innate power; from Morgana, releasing illusion and rebirth; from Mother Mary, expanded light; from Anna and Sarah Tamar, rebirth.
In each temple, Achintya and Ameya provided a summary of Celestial Events as it related to our beloved Venus and the cosmic cycles. I have gained an awakened understanding of our human path and how it converges with the cosmic path. In addition, I had the complete honor and joy to join Achintya and the sisterhood on a pilgrimage to France. Achintya's sacred leadership provided a blossoming of beautiful synchronicities, deep sharing, and connection for the group.
I am deeply grateful for the embodied Priestessing of Achintya and Ameya. Their brilliance in unfolding a journey of self-awareness, cosmic connection, and initiation into the Rose Priestess lineage, I am forever grateful and humbled.
Joan ~ Malta
Priestesses of the Rose has become such a big part of my life. Each step on this path, and every temple I enter, awakens me to a deeper realization that this is my life. I am home. These are my sisters. It connects me to my true self. It reminds me of who I am and why I am here, and has opened up so much for me.
Being held in this sacred sisterhood, the rich wisdom teachings, and the magic that happens has supported me immensely as I navigated the initiations life has put on my path this year.
I am so grateful that I heeded the call of my inner knowing that brought me here. Even though at the time my mind could not make sense of it, and I certainly didn't need another thing to do. But the soul knows. It remembers. And it sees what the mind cannot. Our soul knows the way. And here I am. Deeply grateful.
Thank you Achintya and Ameya for sharing your gifts, for being such compassionate and loving teachers and guides, and for creating a safe container to hold space for all of us.
Priestesses of the Rose has helped heal old wounds and past hurts in a deeply psychic, spiritual and metaphysical way.
I wanted to learn about the esoteric mysteries and I had a deep connection with Mother Mary and it just felt like the right time to do this. POTR has met all my expectations and answered so many questions about information that I had been trying to piece together for so long.