Curriculum — Priestesses Of The Rose
Priestesses Of The Rose

our mystical curriculum is a spiral Path home to your Innate frequency,
Sacred purpose &
Divine Origin


As we turn the Great Wheel of the Ages, the Rose Priestess Path is a clarion call to embody the Triple Flame of Wisdom, Truth and Power within your Mind, Heart and Womb. Rooted in the essence of Love, it is a summoning guided by your Soul to catalyze profound Awakening and Homecoming. This Path is a reunion of our ancient-future Sisterhood of the Rose, as we weave together a new timeline on Earth and in the Cosmos.

When you commit to a Year and a Day Priestess Path, you choose to enter a journey of Alchemical Transformation and Embodiment, relinking to your Sovereignty, Divinity and Sacred Service. As you weave through the Wheel of the Year in Communion with The Goddess and access the Rose Codes in every Temple, you will transform and be informed of who you are at a Soul level.

Priestesses of the Rose requires your devotion to embrace both Light and Shadow, Petal and Thorn. It asks for your willingness to dive into both practical and mystical teachings for Embodied Gnosis. The Oral Tradition of our Rose Path Curriculum woven in our sacred Container will lead you on a Journey of Descent and Ascent, guided by Venus, Sirius, the Sun and Moon, and The Rosa Mystica High Council. 


The Rosa Mystica High Council

The Rosa Mystica High Council are Ascended Masters who walked the Earth as Priests or Priestesses of The Rose and embodiments of the Magdalene Flame from the Star Nations to Lemuria, Atlantis, Sumeria, Egypt, the Middle East, through Europe and to the Great Isle of Avalon, all the way to this lifetime now. They are each emanations of Sophia here to mentor and support you in your Divine Feminine Embodiment of The Rose Lineage.


From High Holy Day to High Holy Day, each Rosa Mystica Guide will transmit their medicine and energy through an entire Rose Temple (and of course beyond) of approximately 6 weeks. They generously Anchor your experience as a Sacred Emanation of the Rose who will mentor and guide you. 

In addition, there is an outer Circle of Seraphim Angels / Dragons supporting the strength of this container. These Beings create Guardianship and support you as you initiate and devote yourself.  

the rose Path curriculum 


Journey through the 8 ROsE Temples


Rose Initiation


sophia / mother goddess



As you step through the Threshold and onto the Rose Priestess Path, Sophia Christ and the Whole of the Cosmos rejoices with you. Held in the Sacred Container of our Divine Sisterhood, your personal Initiation Ceremony ushers you into the Center of our Star Map for you to deeply understand the blueprint of your Origin, Divine Destiny and Mission.


temple of the pink rose


inanna / ishtar


Led by Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth, you begin this Mystical Path by accessing the innocence of your Maiden Self in all her splendor. Here you will receive The Star of Ishtar Serpentine Activation to ignite your Starseeded Visioning and resurrect your sovereign seat in The Sisterhood of The Rose Lineage.

temple of the red rose


mary magdalene


Led by Mary Madgalene / Lady Nada, and the Order of Seraphim Angels, you will deepen into The Lover with the intimacy of your WombBlood and Cycle for Sensual Reclamation and relink this with the Grail of your Heart to reignite your Magdalene Flame Keeper and spread your Angelic Wings.

Temple of the gold rose


isis / auset


Led by Goddess Isis, She of a Thousand Names, you will receive Golden Ankh Rose Codes connecting your Wombspace to the Womb of Sophia with the Stabilizing Knot of Isis. This supports empowered Sexual Gateway work and Sex Magick with Jade Egg Practices, as Embodied Mother & Lover.

Temple of the VIOLET rose


yeshua / sananda


Led by Yeshua, you will re-connect with the energies of the Great Kings and understand how these energies and Archetypes reside within. Yeshua is here as a gentle and strong Guide to know your Masculine Self and create healing within your current relationships and throughout your Masculine Lineage.

Temple of the Blue rose




Led by Lady Hathor, you will immerse in the light & harmonic sound frequencies of the Sirian Blue Ray and the Medicine of your Dreamscape to amplify your Sight as a Seeress and reclaim the Oracular Voice of your Womb for sacred Priestess Service in the world. Enchantress singing and dancing await!

Temple of the Black rose




Led by Morgana & the Rose Dragons, you enter the realm of the Death Queen to let die the parts of you that have been buried in shame, have persecuted others, or hold the energy of the Victim. She will bring you to the Realms of your Ancestors to clear karmic cords, and heal & repair your family Blood Line for you & future generations.

Temple of the silver rose


mother mary


Led by Mother Mary, Divine Mother to the Great Sun/Son, you will dive deep into Kabbalistic Tradition and partner intimately with the power of your Wombspace which carries Grail Mysteries. The Original Sophia Mother Birthing Codes of Light open, offering an understanding of your place within Creation.

Temple of the white rose


anna + sarah tamar


Led by Anna and Sarah Tamar, the Crone and the Maiden walking side by side, you will learn from two vital Lineage Holders and Keepers of the Royal Blood Line.  With their true stories revealed, you will be invited to own and embrace the Truth of who you are as a Priestess of the Rose.


Training includes 


1 Opening ceremony

We will gather in Sisterhood to open the Gates for our journey together. We will anchor in the physical pillars of our container so that our entire field is held in a resonance of integrity, strength, and safety. And we will also call-in the Unseen, our High Council of Temple Keepers to hold their specific spoke on our Wheel of the Year. The Rose Venusian Mysteries will begin to speak through us and settle into our shared space, connecting us as they always have, from wombspace to wombspace, heart to heart and mind to mind.


1 personal initiation ceremony

You will receive a multi-media packet from us with guided instructions and inspiration to create a powerful Ceremony for you to step through the Threshold and onto (or deepen into) The Path of The Rose.


8 High Holy Day / SabbAT Ceremonies

Live Video Call ~ 2 Hours

The Wheel of the Year directs our journey through each Rose Temple as we follow the rhythms of Mother Earth through the Sun’s journey. These are Solar Gates that awaken specific codes that have been shut off or dormant.  During these special days, we will gather LIVE for Transmissions and Ceremony.

When you celebrate the Holy Days, you deepen your partnership with Gaia.  You understand that you are part of the Web of Life. These celebrations begin to put context to what you feel, see, and experience in the world around you and of course, within.


8 mystical Curriculum calls

Live Video Call ~ 2 Hours

Every Rose Temple you will gather in Sisterhood Live to receive our academic Mystical Curriculum. You will re-member and re-educate yourself with powerful teachings of each of our Rose Mystica Guides, themes, and magick that are threaded together through Gaia, the Stars and the Rose Lineage. These rich teachings are offered as a way to re-link your energetic, physical, emotional, mental body with the Grid of Priestessing, whether in your spiritual inner work or day-to-day living in the world.


8 Goddess Transmissions

Audio Recording ~ 1 Hour with Ameya or Achintya

The Guides of our Rose Mystica Hight Council have much to share with you. Some of their teachings have been lost, distorted or misinterpreted.  They are coming alive at this time more and more to offer critical and much-needed transmissions of Truth. With each activated Being walking side by side with you, you will experience Embodied Gnosis of the Grail, and live as an emanation of the Holy of Holies.


8 venusian Celestial wisdom & ritual suggestions video + pdf

Video Recording ~ 1 Hour with Achintya or Ameya + Ritual Guide PDF

Ritual is one of the most important practices as a Priestess.  It grants you permission to Be and experience Communion with the Divine.  When in Ritual, you touch into the sacred power that informs and fuels all existence.  You begin to understand that with devotion you can move from the Waking World to the Dreaming World and that in truth, they are the same.  Ritual parts the veil so that you can dream your dreams alive into this moment.

In these Calls and Ritual Guides, you will receive thorough tutelage of the current living wisdom of Venus, Sirius and the Moon (among other significant constellations and stars) that inform and guide our Rose Priestess Path. You will receive specific Ritual Suggestions aligned with their celestial movement to experience the impact of their unique cosmic cycles and astrological signs embedded with profound living wisdom. When in partnership with these energies, you can harness this power to bring magick, understanding, and empowerment into your life.


8 alchemical Priestess activation Practices

Audio or Video Recording ~ 1 Hour with Ameya or Achintya

You will receive specific Divine Feminine Embodiment Practices (somatic, emotional, magickal) to activate, amplify and nourish your Body Temple and the Rose Codes Awakening within you. These practices will empower you to embody the Mystical Curriculum of each Rose Temple alongside the Rosa Mystica High Council Mentors.  The Priestess Path is a highly internal process whereby you will be removing conditionings, peeling back layers of untruths, activating your DNA and diving deep into the re-writing and your personal story. These transformational practices will enhance your inner healing journey and catapult you into a True version of Self to live your Destiny.


8 priestess mentorship / q + A Calls

Live Video Call ~ 2 hours

There is an enormous amount of change/remembrance/ healing that you will undergo within each Rose Temple and throughout the entire Path.  Our Sister Mentorship Call is a Live Gathering where you are able to share what you are present to and moving through as well as ask questions that will clarify specific teachings.  This is your opportunity to dialogue with Ameya and Achintya and your sisters and receive direct feedback, reflection, and insight.


8 Priestess council small group Calls

Live Call ~ 1.5 hours

In addition to the above Mentrorship Calls as a whole sisterhood, you will be a part of a small Priestess Council Group to share reflective inquiry, challenges and insight as the Rosa Mystica teachings come alive from within you and beautifully weave your Love and support together. Priestess work is never done alone.  It is done with other women, walking the path of devotion with you.  To be seen, heard, supported, celebrated by your sisters is one of the most healing experiences after a life of living separate from other women because of betrayals or comparisons. Sisterhood within your Small Group will enhance all of the inner work you are doing and the way you show up as a Rose Priestess and agent of change in our world.  


Online Classroom Portal

This is where all our Rose Call Recordings, magickal resources and curriculum materials are housed for your continued study and embodiment.


Private online sharing group

Our online gathering space is devoted to sharing as Priestesses of the Rose.  Here you can offer personal reflections, revelations, hardships, celebrations, ask questions, and share beautiful resources and dreams.  You will be lovingly held and witnessed by your fellow priestesses and also witness and connect with your sisters who are doing the same. This is unifying space is tended to and moderated by our Rose Priestess Sister Support Focalizers.


1 Personal dedication ceremony

To complete your Rose Path spiral, you will receive a multi-media packet from us with guided instructions and inspiration to create a powerful Dedication and Self-Initiation Ceremony as a Priestess of the Rose and step forward on your path of Love and service as a Magdalene Flame Keeper.


1 Sisterhood Closing Ceremony

At the completion of a year and a day, we will also gather together to complete the circle in a similar way to how we opened the Path.  We complete with honor and give gratitude so that each womxn sets off on her Priestessing whole and complete, as an emanation of the Holy Sophia, anchored in the Lineage and Sisterhood of The Rose.