Kati A.

Beloved sisters. Thank you! I am Kati from Finland & was guided to this Divine blessing by grace. Last night's call was a profound & beautiful experience. So much gratitude to Achintya & Ameya for your service & generous offerings.

My intention for this 3 day initiation is that I could come to FULLY accept my situation as it is now; as a single parent & to have balance in all & any areas of life. That I will always have enough strength & resources to raise my boys well & to be able to also offer my heart's & soul's gifts to my community. And to find my pleasure & joy again.

Eternally grateful to the Goddesses for all~ways guiding me deeper & for helping me open my heart to receive more support & love in my life, so I can in turn offer more of myself & my gifts. And so it is! Infinite blessings of Light to All!

— Kati A. - Finland


Goddess Rising